
The 'Dekota' by Scott Osterbind.

If you're an avid reader of Street Sophisticato (or occasionally stop by), you know that I'm usually sporting one of many of my bead bracelets made by my friend Scott Osterbind. I love all of his designs, and am always really excited when he has new stuff. Well, I am honored, and super stoked, to introduce the 'Dekota' bead bracelet! This is a creation by Scott, named after yours truly, featuring a single black skull bead strung on stretch cord with 8mm magnetic black beads (this is the one I happen to be wearing in the post Riverside). This bracelet is definitely me personified, and happens to be my favorite one. At a price of only $23, 'Dekota' is a steal, and you can now take me with you wherever you go!

Check out Scott's other bracelets, and be sure to snag yours while you can because they're all so haute!


Cliff Tuna said...

Awww seriously that little skull detailing is so cute and cool at the same time :D

Style Agent 909 said...

Wow! You're the first male fashion blogger I've seen! I saw your blog listed on Richmond Fashion Bloggers and just happened to click on yours. I'll be back to look around. Your new bracelet is very nice BTW.